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10 Tips on Becoming a Successful YouTuber


Nowadays, more and more people are getting into Youtube. But it's not just the fact that they're choosing to be a part of this community, they want to become successful as well. There are a few tips, tricks, and strategies that you can use in order to become a YouTube sensation and make money off your channel. So let's start by looking over the following 10 tips for becoming a successful YouTuber:

1. Upload Consistently

If you want to make it as a YouTuber, then uploading consistently is the most important thing. The reason for this is simple. If you upload regularly, then your audience will always be there for you. They will be able to see what you are doing and how you are progressing. That way, they can know that they can trust you and put their faith in you.

In addition to this, if you upload consistently, then it will make it easier for others to find your channel. If they see that you are uploading regularly on a certain day or time of day, then they will know that it must be good content because everyone else seems to love it too.


2. Post on Your Own Schedule

Posting on your own schedule is the best way to build up your audience. If you have a good following, but only post once a week, it's very likely that your numbers will shrink when you stop posting. However, if you post at a time that fits with your audience's busy schedules and interests, they'll stay engaged with you and your content.

The best times to post are in the morning or evening and the morning is the most popular because people are just waking up and getting ready for their day. And the evening is when people are winding down after work or school and looking for something to relax with before bedtime.

3. Interact With Other YouTubers

If you're looking to get started as a YouTube personality, one of the best ways to get noticed is by interacting with other creators and viewers. This can be done in several different ways, but if you're just starting out, consider subscribing to channels that are similar to yours. This way, they'll see your channel and possibly share it with their followers.

Another way to interact with other creators is via social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Posting content on these platforms can help you attract more subscribers and grow your audience further.


Being active on YouTube means posting content frequently and interacting with others in order to build a community around your channel. This will help you attract new viewers who are interested in what you have to say, which means more views for your videos!

4. Give Something Valuable to Your Viewers

If you want to become a successful YouTuber, it is important to give something valuable to your viewers. This means using your videos not only to make money but also to show them something of value.

You can do this by sharing useful information that they can use in their daily lives or share with others. For example, if you are an expert in beauty products and have a lot of knowledge about the subject, then you could share your knowledge with people who may be interested in learning more about it.

You could also use your videos as a way to motivate people and help them achieve their dreams. If someone is struggling with weight loss and wants to lose weight, then he can watch your video and gain motivation from it. He will see that there are others who have been through similar struggles and succeeded at losing weight without starving themselves or exercising excessively for hours on end each day for months on end until finally reaching their goal weight.

5. Tell a Story

The best YouTubers are able to tell a story. They have something that they want to share with their audience and then they're able to weave it into a story that's engaging and interesting.

People love stories, so if you can tell a good story on YouTube, you'll get more views than someone who's just talking about random things.


If you look at the top 10 YouTube channels on any given day, you'll see that all of them have some sort of story around their content. It might be about how they got started in the industry or how they feel about something specific about the industry.

You should be able to create your own personal story around what you do as well as make other people relate to that story as well."

6. Practice Makes Perfect

If you want to be successful on YouTube, then you need to practice. You will get more output of anything if you put more effort into it and this is always true.

Practice makes perfect. It's true in any area of life. If you want to learn how to play guitar or piano, then practice playing your instrument for at least an hour every day. If you want to become a great author or journalist, then read and write as much as possible and practice speaking out loud in front of a mirror until your voice sounds natural.

YouTube is no different from any other skill: if you want to succeed at it, then you need to put in the time and effort. That's why I'm going over 10 tips on becoming a successful YouTuber in this article -- because some of these tips may seem obvious, but I guarantee that without them, many beginners give up before they even get started!

7. Listen To The Comments Of Others

Listen To The Comments Of Others:

One of the best ways to improve your YouTube channel is by listening to what others have to say. It’s important that you don’t just read the comments on your videos but actually take the time to read them and respond to them. You need to give your subscribers something back for their time, so make sure you are interacting with them in some way.


You can use this method as a way of gauging how people perceive your videos, by seeing if they like or dislike one of your videos and then responding with more content. For example, if I was making a video about how I felt after my first ever experience using Snapchat filters, I would listen in on some of the comments from other people who had used Snapchat before me and see what they thought about my video. This method can help you find out what people are talking about when it comes to certain topics or subjects that interest you.

8. Work Harder Than Everyone Else Around You

The top YouTubers in the world are working hard to become the best. They are hustling, they are learning, and they are always growing.

They know that if they want to be successful, they have to work harder than everyone else around them. This means that you have to be willing to put in the effort to achieve your goals, no matter how big or small they may be.

If you want to become a successful YouTuber, then it's time for you to start working harder than everyone else around you!

9. Always Add Value To Your Audience

If you want to become a successful YouTuber, one of the most important things you have to do is add value to your audience. If you don't have any idea about what they want, then it's pretty hard for them to stick around.

So if you want to become a successful YouTuber, always try and find out what people want first. Then create content around that topic so that they can get more value out of it.

10. Let Your Personality Show!

We've all seen the videos where the person is so excited about their product that they're practically jumping around in a circle. That's not going to get you far on YouTube.

If you want to be successful, then you need to let your personality show. You will bring more people in if you are genuine and friendly.

This means that you should never try to be someone else or fake it for the sake of getting views. It's important that you actually enjoy what you're doing and put your heart and soul into it so that viewers feel like they can relate to your content.


Being yourself is also important because it gives people something to connect with when watching your videos. They will have a sense of familiarity because they know who you are already, but they'll also see something unique in what you do and how you present yourself.

Remember: You're not a robot. It's okay if you don't always sound exactly like yourself! Try different things until one feels right for you!


There is no single formula for YouTuber success, but there are definitely a few pieces of advice that can help out along the way. Hopefully, some of the tips illustrated above will help you reach your goals, whatever they may be. 

If you want to get the most out of your YouTube video, start by creating an appealing thumbnail image. Make your thumbnail look appealing, stand out from all the other titles in the searches, and be something that people will watch. Then, do not forget to consider people who watch your videos as potential customers or subscribers. This way, your videos will never be boring, and people will always stay interested in what you have to say. If you have any questions that are not answered in this article, feel free to ask them in the comments section below and we will be happy to give you our answers!

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