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17 Ways To Relieve Your Headaches Immediately


Headaches are annoying, especially if they happen too often. They can even make you feel sick. Headaches are also one of the most common health complaints in the United States. According to the Office of National Statistics, about a third of adults in the U.S. experience headaches at least once a month. If you suffer from headaches regularly, we've put together 17 ways to relieve your headaches immediately!

1. Take a short nap

A short nap can do wonders for your body, and it can do even more for your brain. "A short nap can help you feel refreshed, alert, and ready to tackle the day," says Dr. Michelle Mayda-Rayton, medical director of the Sleep Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center in New York City.

If you're not sure how to get the most out of a quick catnap, consider this: It's easier than you think. In fact, several studies have shown that 20 minutes of shuteye is just as effective as 35 minutes. And if you're like many people who suffer from depression and anxiety, a midday nap could be just what you need to feel better.

If you don't have time to nap, try taking a few minutes to sit quietly and close your eyes. This can help you unwind and relax, which can help relieve the pain of a headache.

2. Get the caffeine

Caffeine is the most common way people relieve headaches. It's found in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate. Caffeine acts as an inhibitor of one of the body's three main neurotransmitters: acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter controls blood flow to the head, which helps to relieve headaches. Caffeine also increases alertness and energy levels.


Caffeine is available in over-the-counter (OTC) medications like Excedrin Migraine or Advil PM. Overuse of these products can lead to dependence and withdrawal symptoms when people stop taking them. To avoid this problem, take a maximum of 400 milligrams of caffeine a day from all sources (including OTC medicines).

3. Sip some lemon balm tea

Lemon balm tea is a great way to relax and relieve your headaches. It’s the perfect remedy for those who are looking for something that is both calming and relaxing.

Lemon balm tea is known to be especially effective at relieving migraines and tension headaches, but it can also help with other types of head pain, including cluster headaches and sinus headaches.

4. Try drinking more water

Headaches are a common side effect of a number of conditions, including sinus headaches, migraines, and tension headaches. Drinking more water is one of the best ways to relieve your headaches immediately.

Water is important for your overall health, but it’s especially important for your head and brain. Your body uses more water than any other part of your body. Every cell in your body requires water to function properly because it has a small amount of fluid inside them. The brain is no exception!


Your brain needs a lot of water to function properly and to keep its cells healthy. If you don’t drink enough water, it can affect your mental acuity. A lack of hydration can also cause dizziness and lightheadedness, which forces your eyes to focus on objects that aren’t there (known as visual illusions).

Drinking enough water can help reduce inflammation in the brain and prevent migraines from occurring or worsening when they do occur. It also helps prevent dry mouth syndrome (xerostomia)

5. Use a cold compress on your head

Cold compresses on the forehead and temples can help relieve a headache. They’re also good for relieving tension headaches and migraines. To make a cold compress, fill a large bowl with ice cubes or crushed ice. Add room temperature water to the bowl until it is about half full. Place a towel over your head and lie down on your back, with the compress held against your forehead for 15 minutes.

If you don't have access to an ice cube tray, you can use an empty glass and fill it with ice cubes before placing a cloth over your forehead and holding it in place until the headache subsides.

6. Keep a glass of water nearby to sip on

Keep a glass of water nearby for you to sip on because drinking water helps hydrate the body and can reduce headaches, particularly when consumed in excess.

7. Use an over-the-counter pain reliever

Using an over-the-counter pain reliever is the most effective way to relieve your headaches. The medicine can be taken as needed, but you should not take more than the recommended dosage.

According to WebMD, some over-the-counter pain relievers are aspirin and ibuprofen, while others include acetaminophen, aspirin, and naproxen. Acetaminophen is used to reduce fever and treat pain, while ibuprofen is used for mild pain relief and treatment of menstrual cramps.

If you're suffering from frequent headaches that don't respond to normal treatments, you should consult a doctor immediately.

8. Apply some peppermint oil to your forehead

Peppermint oil has been used for centuries to help treat headaches because of its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. You can apply a drop or two directly to your forehead or on a cotton ball and place it over your eyes for quick relief from pain (don’t forget to wash your hands after applying). If you prefer topical treatments over pills or capsules, this is one of the easiest ones there is!


9. Consider apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural home remedy for a headache. It can be used as a pain reliever, but it may also help prevent headaches by reducing inflammation.

You can apply apple cider vinegar directly to your temples or add it to a bath. Make sure you use the raw, unfiltered kind of apple cider vinegar. You can also mix it with water to form a paste and apply it over your cheeks or forehead.

Add 1/2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of water and let it sit for at least 20 minutes before drinking. Drink this mixture twice daily until your symptoms subside.

You can also consume 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar twice daily with meals for about two weeks to see if it helps reduce your headaches.

10. Eat more foods rich in magnesium and calcium

According to the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, migraines are three times more likely in people who have celiac disease. A gluten-free diet is recommended for anyone with celiac disease to help prevent migraines — but there are other ways to reduce your risk of migraine too. For example, eating more foods rich in magnesium and calcium can help reduce your risk of getting a migraine, according to research published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry.

Magnesium and calcium are two minerals that play a role in regulating blood pressure and keeping your nerves healthy. Studies indicate that people with chronic migraines have lower levels of magnesium than those who don't get headaches often or at all. Magnesium is also linked with reducing inflammation in the body, which may be why it helps prevent migraines from occurring.

11. Increase your vitamin B intake

Vitamin B is a great way to increase your vitamin intake and reduce your headaches. You can find vitamin B in foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, and dark leafy greens.

If you suffer from migraines or headaches frequently, try eating more foods high in vitamin B. A good place to start is with a daily multivitamin that includes at least 15 percent of your daily value of this nutrient.


12. Avoid a noisy environment

If you're a person who suffers from headaches, it's likely that you have the same problem in your ears. If so, this is definitely something you should consider. The main reason for this is that a noisy environment can cause headaches and migraines. This is because it causes your brain to be more active, which can lead to certain complications for your body.

If you want to avoid a noisy environment, then here are some tips that will help:

- Avoid loud noises at all costs.

- If possible, use earplugs.

- Get rid of clutter and unnecessary items around your home so they don't create unnecessary noise or vibration in the air around us.

13. Stay away from strong odors or fumes

You can try to reduce your headaches by staying away from strong odors or fumes. Exhaling smoke, perfume, and alcohol can make your headache worse.

You might also want to avoid certain foods that are known to trigger headaches, such as chocolate and citrus fruits. If you have a migraine with aura, you should avoid eating food that contains tyramine.

14. Put some pressure on specific acupressure points in your body

Get some pressure on your head.

This is one of the most effective ways to relieve a headache. The pressure relieves the pain by blocking blood flow to the area. While this may sound counterintuitive, it actually makes perfect sense. When you apply pressure to the front of your head, the blood vessels in that area constrict and less blood flows through them. This means less blood gets pumped into the brain, which reduces its workload and therefore reduces pain.

Try using either a book or a pillow for this exercise. Place something on top of your head and press down hard enough so it feels as if someone is sitting on your head. Try this every morning for a few weeks and see if it helps decrease your headache frequency.

15. Apply lavender oil

Apply lavender oil to your temples and forehead to relieve tension headaches. Lavender is a natural anti-inflammatory so applying this oil can help the muscles in your neck and head relax. Apply lavender oil to your temples and forehead for about 10 minutes, or until you feel better.

You can also use ginger or peppermint essential oils instead of lavender oil for headaches. We recommend using these oils in a diffuser or vaporizer so that you get the benefits without ingesting any chemicals.


16. Get a breath of fresh air

If you’re stuck in an office or cubicle, consider going for a walk outside to take some fresh air. Fresh air has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and improve productivity. Research shows that breathing clean air can also help relieve headaches by reducing inflammation in your sinuses and relaxing blood vessels in your head.

17. Take an Epsom salt bath

 If you are suffering from a headache, you may want to consider taking an Epsom salt bath. This is a natural remedy that can be used to reduce pain and inflammation in your head.

Epsom salts are an effective treatment for headaches because they contain magnesium and sulfur, two minerals that can help reduce stress and improve blood flow in the brain.

While it is possible to use Epsom salts as a treatment for headaches on their own, taking an Epsom salt bath is more effective than just using Epsom salts alone because it will allow the crystals to dissolve into the water while still providing relief from your headache.


There are many different types of headaches, so there is no one solution that works for everyone. Some remedies will be too hard to do if you are in a lot of pain, and some might not work if you are suffering from a cluster headache and it's not safe to take medication. If the above ways do not work, consult with family and your doctor before trying self-care methods for relieving your own headaches.

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