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15 Things You Should Know Before Getting A Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

Nowadays Hair transplant is one of the most common and popular procedures in the world. It is used to treat alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss.

In a hair transplant procedure, a strip of scalp tissue is removed from the back and sides of your head and transplanted onto bald areas on your scalp. The surgeon removes excess tissue from your donor area, which is then implanted into your existing hair follicles.

Hair transplantation is the surgical or non-surgical means of replacing missing or damaged hair with a natural-looking, healthy and permanent solution.

Hair transplantation can be performed on men or women and covers a wide range of options for each area of the body that needs attention. The procedure takes about three hours to complete, and patients may return to work within 3-5 days after the procedure. Hair transplants are permanent solutions, meaning they will not grow back unless another transplant is done in the future.

You've made the decision and You have your first consultation with the doctor who will be doing the procedure, and now you are considering a few of the important aspects of this surgery. What do you need to know? There is much more to a hair transplant than first meets the eye. Here are 15 things that you should know that will help you decide if this procedure is right for your situation.

1. What to Expect During Your Procedure

Your first visit will include a consultation with the doctor, who will discuss with you the details of your procedure and answer any questions you may have. You'll also receive an estimate of how much the procedure will cost, as well as instructions on how to schedule your recovery appointments at home.

Hair Transplant

Prepare for a Long Recovery Period

Hair transplants are surgical procedures and require some recovery time before you can return to your normal routine. In most cases, patients are able to return home after about two weeks, but it's best to follow the instructions of your physician so that you know when to expect your skin grafts to heal and when you can start exercising again.

Make Sure You're Ready for Permanent Results

The hair transplant procedure takes time and effort on both ends of the operation — from the patient's perspective as well as from the hair stylist who is performing each individual grafting session (this can take up to four hours). It's important that everyone understands what they're getting into before they go through with it.

2. You may need more than one session

Many patients have multiple sessions during their surgery — sometimes as many as six or seven sessions — which means that they will be able to see great results right away. However, it can take several months for transplanted follicles to grow into healthy new ones, so if you decide not to do any more procedures after your first set of transplants, it's important that they're done correctly and with minimal damage done to them (which could result in scarring).

Hair Transplant

Each session takes at least two hours, and you may need between six and eight sessions depending on your goals. Although the treatment takes longer than other procedures, it can result in permanent hair growth.

During your first session, you will be given anesthesia to help with any discomfort associated with the process. However, you will experience swelling and bruising for several days after each session, which can make sitting or standing uncomfortable. It's important that you avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity until these symptoms have subsided.

3. Being the right age is important

The right age is important, but not necessarily the youngest. If you’re over 40, you might be able to get a hair transplant using your own tissue and one of the older techniques — single unit strip harvesting. This involves removing hair follicles in an area of the head where they’re not readily available (such as in the back) and then re-implanting them somewhere else on the body.

Hair Transplant

If you’re younger than 40 years old, you’ll need a newer technique called follicular unit extraction (FUE). This method uses tiny instruments to remove individual grafts from donor areas near your scalp.

The length of time between getting a hair transplant depends on several factors:

How much hair you have left: The length of time it takes for new growth to appear depends on how much hair you have left before surgery. The more hair you have, the longer it will take for new growth to appear following surgery.

Your age: As we age, our body naturally loses its ability to produce new hair follicles. So if someone has had a significant amount of his or her natural hair removed by cancer treatment or illness, he or she may lose more than expected after having a hair transplant procedure

4. You Can Get a Hair Transplant with a FUE or FUT Method

If you're looking to get a hair transplant, you will find that there are two main methods of hair restoration. One is the FUE method and the other is the FUT method. The FUE method uses a fine needle to create a hair follicle template, which is then used to make a new follicle. The FUT method uses an incision on your scalp to harvest existing hairs and transplant them into your bald areas.

Hair Transplant

In general, FUE is more expensive than FUT because it requires more time for the surgeon to create the new follicles, but in most cases, it's worth it because the results are better. If you plan on getting a hair transplant in the future and want fast results, go with the FUE method.

5. You May Need Prescription Medication

You may need prescription medication to help prevent infection and reduce swelling. The medication will reduce swelling and inflammation, and it can also help speed up healing. Many hair transplant clinics offer a “pre-treatment” program that includes medication treatments before and after surgery.

Hair Transplant

Do Not Take Vitamins or Herbal Supplements

Many patients believe that they can take herbal supplements such as vitamin E, evening primrose oil, and coenzyme Q10 to boost their immune system and aid healing after a hair transplant procedure. However, many of these natural products have not been studied in clinical trials and may increase the risk of infection or unwanted side effects. In addition, vitamins do not heal your body like they do when taken by mouth. If you decide to take vitamins or herbal supplements after your procedure, ask your doctor first how much is safe for you to take at one time or over a certain period of time.

6. You May Experience Temporary Side Effects

The most common side effects of a hair transplant are temporary. They include:


#Temporary scalp irritation or redness

#Temporary loss of hair density due to inflammation (rare)

#Temporary numbness or tingling in the area of the scalp that was operated on (rare)

#Itchy scalp

#Soreness, redness, and swelling at the injection site

#Drowsiness or fatigue

#Asthma attack or chest pressure

#Anxiety, mood swings, depression, and irritability

Hair Transplant

7. You Must Be in General Good Health

You must be in general good health before undergoing surgery because any problems during surgery can delay or prevent recovery from a hair transplant procedure, which may result in poor results or even complications.


Hair Transplant

You need to have a stable heart and lungs, and no allergies or other medical conditions that could be aggravated by the surgery. You also don't want to take any prescription medications that might interfere with the healing process.

You should not smoke or drink. The hair transplant procedure is very expensive, so you want to make sure you're in good health and won't run into any financial problems if things go wrong.

8. There is a risk of infection

There is a risk of infection and it's important to be aware of the potential risks involved with a hair transplant.

Hair transplants are an invasive procedure that involves removing your own hair follicles and replacing them with a donor's hairs. The grafts can come from another person, such as a family member or friend, or from an animal such as a dog or cat.

Hair Transplant

There is a risk of infection during the procedure because of how close the follicles are to each other and how vascular they are at this stage. This is why it's essential that you take steps to reduce your risk of infection before you get your hair transplant.

9. Getting A Hair Transplant is painful

Getting A Hair Transplant is painful. The most important thing to know before getting a hair transplant is that it is painful. This is why we have many patients who have been considering hair transplants for years and decide not to go through with it because they think it will be too painful.

Hair Transplant

Many people do not realize that their hair loss can be treated, and when they do realize this, they might decide against it anyway because of the pain involved. You would be surprised at how many people think that hair transplants are just another way of dying and cutting their own hair off.

There are many options in treatment for hair loss, including medications, injections, and scalp reduction surgeries that can help you find relief from your baldness or thinning hair situation. However, if these methods don’t work for you then a hair transplant may be the best option for you.

10. It can be expensive

Hair transplants are expensive. If you have enough donor hair to transplant, the cost of your procedure will range from $10,000 to $20,000. After the initial fee, you'll need to pay for follow-up appointments, medications, and other expenses.

Hair Transplant

If you want a full head of hair, expect to pay at least $50,000 for surgery and related expenses.

Some insurance companies may cover part or all of the cost of a hair transplant if the procedure is medically necessary.

11. Pick a good doctor

Picking a good doctor should be the first thing you should do. There are several things to consider when choosing a doctor for your hair transplant procedure. For example, how long has he been doing hair transplants? How many patients has he treated? How many surgeries has he done? Does he have a lot of experience with the grafts and how long does it take him to extract them?

Hair Transplant

Another important thing to consider is the experience of the anesthesiologist. Ask other patients if they had any problems during their surgery and if they had any complications after the surgery. If possible, ask them their thoughts about the anesthesiologist and his staff. Find out what kind of anesthesia they use and whether or not it's safe for you in terms of allergies and other issues that may be concerning for you.

12. Hair transplants can fail

Hair transplants can fail for many reasons. The most common is that the patient didn't take good care of their new hair. It's important to keep them moisturized and protected from the sun. Another common problem is that the transplant grafts can break down over time, causing the recipient to lose their hair.

Hair Transplant

The most important thing to remember when getting a hair transplant is to make sure you get a good doctor who knows what they're doing. If you do everything right and follow your doctor's instructions, you should have no problems with your new hair.

13. Don't expect perfection

If you're thinking about getting a hair transplant, you're probably looking for some type of guarantee. Hair transplantation is a science, not an art. There are no guarantees that you will get a hair transplant that looks natural or even close to it. The best you can hope for is a transplant that looks good enough to blend in with your existing hair.

The truth is, every patient is different and the results may not be exactly what you want or expected. For example, some patients may need more hair than others, so their transplant will look better than yours but not necessarily exactly like theirs. If a patient has less density of hair follicles than another patient, they may need more grafts to achieve the same results.

If you don't have any donor areas on your head, it's important to realize that it may take multiple transplants to get the best results. In fact, most doctors recommend at least three transplants before they can say whether or not the procedure has been successful.

14. Recovery takes time and it's hard

The recovery period for hair transplant surgery is about six months. You will be on a special diet for at least two weeks after the procedure and it can take up to six months before your hair starts to grow back.

You may feel weak and tired during this time, so it's important that you rest and drink plenty of water. Your hair will not look natural at the beginning, but with time and patience, you will see great results!

15. Don't rush into a decision

The decision to have a hair transplant is not one that should be made in haste. You should take time to consider all of your options, including the risks and benefits of each option, before making a decision.

Hair Transplant

If you don’t have any idea what to look for when considering hair transplant surgery, we can help! Our team has extensive experience with all types of hair loss and will work with you to find the right treatment plan that works for you.

Don’t overreact to the first results

Hair transplant surgery does not work for everyone, so don’t get discouraged by the first results or by those of a friend or family member who had similar results. Hair loss can be unpredictable, and it’s important to understand that each case is unique. If you start seeing signs of improvement after taking two months off from using Rogaine or Propecia, that doesn’t mean that you won’t need more treatments later on — it just means that your body might be able to tolerate these medications at this point in time.


If you're getting a hair transplant make sure you talk with a doctor and carefully consider your options before moving ahead.

Getting a hair transplant is a long process that requires patience and commitment. The results are permanent, but it's important to remember that there is no guarantee of the look you'll get.

However, if you choose a surgeon with extensive experience, have realistic expectations, and don't be afraid to ask questions, you stand a good chance of getting the best possible result.

You can also read more articles on our Timingnewsbd24 Blogspot.

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  1. yes it may take 5 to 6 months to grow the hair and there are many procedures for the hair loss treatment vizag you should know.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
