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9 Easy Ways to Stop Smoking


Are you trying to quit smoking? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people are trying to quit smoking every year, but it can be difficult. There are so many ways to quit that claim they offer the best method or fastest way of quitting. Choosing one method over the other can be confusing and daunting, especially if you've tried multiple times before without success. This post will show you some great options for kicking your smoking habit and having them feeling better than ever after just a few weeks!

1. Keep your hands and mouth busy

The first step to stopping smoking is to keep your hands and mouth busy. The more you do, the less you'll want to smoke. If you smoke in the car or at work, for instance, try doing something else with your hands during breaks or lunch. Or if you have a favorite chewing gum that helps steady your hands and keep them from shaking, try chewing it when you're away from cigarettes.

If it feels like you're obsessed with smoking, replace one bad habit with another. Instead of lighting up before bedtime, try reading a book instead of watching TV (and don't forget to close the bedroom door). Instead of smoking one cigarette after another, try drinking a cup of coffee instead. Whatever it takes to feel better about yourself and your life — through quitting smoking is always best — just do it!

2. Get some exercise

Exercising is one of the best ways to reduce stress and give your body a break from all of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms that come with quitting. A good workout will clear your mind, help you forget about cigarettes for a little bit, and give you energy for the rest of the day (and night!). It's also great for your overall health; regular exercise can help prevent obesity, heart disease, and other problems related to being overweight or inactive.


3. Chew on something to avoid smoking

There are some ways to stop smoking that you can do on your own. One of the most effective ways is chewing something after you've already smoked. In fact, chewing gum has been found to be more effective than just swallowing a mint to keep yourself from smoking again.

Chewing gum contains phytonutrients that help reduce cravings for nicotine and make quitting easier. It's also a good way to relieve stress and anxiety, which can make quitting even harder. Plus, chewing gum makes it easier to avoid using other methods of nicotine withdrawal, like drinking caffeinated beverages or eating high-sugar foods that cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

4. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugary foods

Smoking is a dangerous habit for many reasons. But the most important one is that it causes cancer.

If you want to quit, the best way to do it is by avoiding the things that make smoking easier.

Here are some of the most important ones:

Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Smoking while drinking affects your brain in a way that makes it easier to start smoking again. If you're trying to quit, don't have a drink before going out or drink less than usual. And avoid caffeinated drinks — like coffee — as well. They will keep you awake longer and make it harder to fall asleep at night, which can make quitting harder.


Stop eating sugary foods

Sugar can make you more likely to smoke because it makes your body feel "high" after eating it. Studies have shown that people who eat more sugar tend to be heavier smokers than those who don't eat much sugar at all. So if you want to stop smoking, don't eat too much sugar — especially not in junk food form! It's best to avoid processed foods full of sugar entirely, though this may be impossible for some people (especially children).

5. Get a new hobby to replace smoking

If you want to quit smoking, it's important to find something else to replace your habit. A new hobby can help you do that.

Some people are able to stop smoking without a big change in their lives, but if you want to quit for good, it's important that you find something else that takes up your time and engages you. It may seem like a small thing, but quitting smoking can be one of the most difficult parts of breaking bad habits. If you have no other interests or activities, it can be nearly impossible to keep from picking up the first cigarette when you see one in the store.

Getting involved in a club or group is one way to break the habit of just sitting around all day. Joining a club will get you out more often and having fun with friends at events will help keep those cravings under control.

6. Get support

Getting support from others is one of the best ways to quit smoking. It's important to talk about it and get support from family and friends, as well as your doctor and other health care providers.

If you're trying to quit, tell your doctor and other health care providers what you're doing. They can help you find resources that can help you quit or support your efforts to stay smoke-free.

7. Monitor your eating habits

Monitoring your eating habits is the first step to quitting smoking. Eat healthier and limit the amount of junk food you eat, especially if you're trying to quit. A good diet can help reduce cravings, which may help with the withdrawal symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

If you want to quit smoking, start by monitoring what you eat and drink.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins such as chicken and fish. Avoid high-fat foods like red meat, full-fat dairy products, or fatty snack foods, as they can increase your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Limit your intake of alcohol so that it doesn't interfere with your ability to quit smoking or make it harder for you to stop drinking altogether.

8. Keep busy

Do something physical that makes you forget about your cravings. Exercise has been shown to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and increase your chances of quitting smoking altogether.

9. Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation is a common experience among smokers trying to quit, so take care of yourself during this time — don't drive while drowsy or get into an accident! Also, don't drink coffee or other caffeinated beverage before bedtime because it keeps you awake longer and may interfere with sleep quality. If possible, try to go to bed at least 30 minutes earlier than usual for better sleep quality.



Although smoking is an unbelievably hard habit to break, it's not to say that it's impossible. Sure, you have to work really hard at it but with time, patience and willpower you'll be able to kick the habit for good.

While the tips above will help, you should combine them with professional advice to find a method that works. I wish you all the best of luck in your journey to give up smoking. If you've got any tips or questions, so feel free to share them in the comments! We're all here to support you.

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