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12 Natural Remedies: For Healthy Lifestyle

Natural Remedies

Most of the time, people only consider their diet as the way to achieve a healthy lifestyle. But if you are a foodie whose idea of a good meal is not just a balanced diet but also some healthy soups and salads, then you must have heard about many natural remedies for maintaining the best possible health. This list includes natural remedies for weight loss, hair care, skin treatments, etc. If you're looking to stay healthy, there are a number of things you can do. You might even be well on your way if you add these 12 natural remedies to your routine.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar for Acid Reflux

Apple-cider vinegar is one of the Natural Remedies for acid reflux and it helps to neutralize stomach acid and relieve the symptoms associated with heartburn. The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar helps to dissolve mucous in the stomach, which can help to ease bloating and discomfort.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a natural remedy for indigestion and diarrhea. It contains a compound called acetic acid that works as an antacid, helping to relieve sudden pain or discomfort from digestive issues like heartburn or acid reflux.

Natural Remedies

2. Lemons for Upset Stomach

Lemons have been used in cooking since the time of Ancient Rome when they were often taken with vinegar to help settle an upset stomach. The juice of fresh lemons has also been used in many cultures to relieve nausea and vomiting, as well as other digestive issues, including heartburn and acid reflux.

Lemons contain several compounds that may help ease an upset stomach, including limonene, which has been shown to reduce nausea and vomiting by blocking the production of prostaglandins — hormones that cause pain and discomfort. Limonene also helps reduce inflammation in the digestive tract by inhibiting certain enzymes that increase inflammation.

Natural Remedies

3. Ginger for Nausea

Ginger, a root that's been used as food and medicine for thousands of years, is one of the effective Natural Remedies for nausea. It may help to reduce the severity of your symptoms by reducing stomach acid production and blocking receptors in the brain that respond to nausea signals.

Ginger also works well in combination with other remedies, especially peppermint, which can increase its effectiveness.

To use ginger:

Take 1/2 teaspoon of dried ginger root capsules or 2 teaspoons of powdered ginger root. You can also add it to a cup of warm water, steep it for 15 minutes, then drink the mixture throughout the day.

Natural Remedies

4. Peppermint Tea for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common condition. It is estimated that one in five people have IBS at some time during their life. IBS can be distressing and can affect your quality of life.

Peppermint tea is one of the herbal Natural Remedies that has been used since ancient times to relieve symptoms of IBS. Peppermint contains compounds called menthols which help to soothe irritated bowels and ease cramps and spasms in the digestive system. It also contains compounds called carvone and spearmint, which help to relax the smooth muscles of the intestine and prevent constipation by stimulating peristalsis (re-absorption of water into the stool).

Natural Remedies

How to make peppermint tea:

Steep 1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves in 8oz hot water for 5–10 minutes until fragrant, then strain or use as directed on the label. You can add honey or lemon if desired but do not add milk as this will dilute the effectiveness of the peppermint leaf extract. Drink 2 cups daily as needed or as prescribed by your doctor

5. Turmeric for Arthritis

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory that supports joint health. It can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout.

Turmeric has been shown to have an effect on the signs of inflammation in the body. The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, has been shown to prevent or treat various types of inflammation.

Research suggests that taking curcumin supplements may help reduce arthritis pain and improve mobility in people with osteoarthritis. Turmeric may also be helpful for other forms of arthritis, including juvenile idiopathic arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Natural Remedies

6. Honey for Coughing

One of the most popular home remedies for coughs and colds is honey. It works by soothing your throat and decongesting it, which helps ease coughing.

Honey has been used for centuries to soothe coughs, sore throats, and chest congestion. One of its best-known effects is to act as a soothing agent on irritated mucous membranes in the nose and throat. This is why you can use it as a nasal spray: Simply mix a few drops of raw honey in some warm water (or hot tea) and use this mixture to treat a stuffy nose.

Natural Remedies

Another way to use honey is as an expectorant, which means that it can help loosen up phlegm from your lungs by making it easier for it to come out. You'll need about 1 tablespoon of raw sugar-free honey diluted with 1/4 cup of water or juice to make one serving (1/4 cup).

Honey may also help prevent cold symptoms after exposure by soothing sore throats and speeding up the healing process so that less time elapses between symptoms occurring and when they're gone altogether!

7. Garlic for High Blood Pressure

Garlic is one of the most popular natural remedies for high blood pressure. It's known as an "adaptogen," which means it can help you cope with stress and anxiety, as well as fight off infections and boost your immune system.

Garlic is rich in nutrients that are beneficial to heart health. It contains allicin, which has the ability to lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and reducing cholesterol levels. Garlic has also been shown to reduce the risk of stroke by up to 50 percent in people who have high blood pressure or diabetes.

Natural Remedies

For centuries, garlic was used as a folk medicine to treat various ailments and conditions. Garlic extract is still widely used today in many countries as a remedy for different kinds of problems.

Garlic contains several powerful antioxidants that help fight free radicals and prevent the damage they cause in our bodies. These antioxidants work by neutralizing the negative effects on our cells caused by free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that are unstable because they have an unpaired electron in their outer shell, which can only be stabilized by another molecule that shares its electrons with it (source). Free radicals can cause damage to your body if they accumulate in high amounts. Fortunately, garlic has powerful antioxidants that can neutralize these free radicals and protect you from their harmful effects on your health.

8. Cloves for Toothaches

Toothaches are common, especially in children. They can be triggered by a number of things, including colds or viruses, dry mouth caused by tooth decay, and even a bad bite.

Cloves are one of the Natural Remedies for toothaches because they contain menthol, which has painkilling properties. Menthol can also help reduce swelling and inflammation around the affected area. The benefits of clove oil are not limited to just reducing pain; it also has antibacterial properties that can help kill bacteria that cause cavities and other gum problems.

Natural Remedies

9. Green Tea for Bad Breath and to Boost Immune Function

Green tea is one of the most popular options for people suffering from bad breath. It contains an antioxidant called EGCG, which acts like an antibacterial or anti-fungal agent. The same compound also boosts your immune system, which can help you fight off bad breath-causing bacteria and decrease the chance of developing gum disease.

Green tea can be added to your daily routine in a variety of ways:

Drink it as a beverage: Add brewed green tea to water or milk for a refreshing drink that will help control bad breath and keep your immune system strong. You can also try adding some matcha powder to your hot or cold beverage for extra benefits.

Make green tea ice cubes: Add green tea bags (or brewed green tea) to water and freeze them into ice cubes. You can use these as a refreshing drink on hot days or add them to smoothies for an extra boost of antioxidants.

Natural Remedies

Use it as mouthwash: If you don't want to use green tea as a beverage or add it directly into your mouth, try swishing some with salt around in your mouth before bedtime instead! This will kill bacteria and freshen your breath while you sleep.

10. Broccoli Sprouts and Kale to Protect Against Cancer

Broccoli sprouts and kale are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, which help protect against cancer.

Broccoli sprouts and kale are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, which help protect against cancer. If you eat these vegetables, you can help reduce your risk of cancer by up to 40%.

Broccoli sprouts are a great source of antioxidants. They contain vitamin A, which helps protect against free radicals that can cause damage to cells and DNA. Vitamin A also helps your immune system fight off disease-causing bacteria.

Natural Remedies

Kale is also a good source of fiber and vitamins C and K. Both broccoli sprouts and kale contain lignans, which have been shown in studies to help prevent breast cancer by inhibiting the growth of hormone-sensitive breast cancer cells.

11. Avocado to Lower Cholesterol

Avocado is a delicious, nutritious fruit that can help lower your cholesterol. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating avocado led to a significant drop in LDL cholesterol, the type of cholesterol linked to heart disease.

The study involved 22 men and women who ate 2 tablespoons of avocado twice a day for 12 weeks. LDL cholesterol levels decreased by 28 percent on average, according to the research team. The participants' total cholesterol levels also dropped by 8 percent.

Natural Remedies


A healthy lifestyle is a dream of everyone. The aim of these remedies is to help you lead a healthy life without spending a lot of money on supplements. These natural remedies are not just good for your health but are also inexpensive. In fact, some of the non-edible materials may already be lying at your home and have been completely ignored. So try these remedies and stay healthy!

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